Timberwolves coach Chris Finch to have surgery on knee after sideline collision, AP source says

Views: | Time:2024-06-03 19:02:05

MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — The Minnesota Timberwolves will enter their second round playoff series against defending champion Denver with an unsettled bench — coach Chris Finch will be recovering from knee surgery.

Finch, who was hurt in a sideline collision with Timberwolves point guard Mike Conley, will have his ruptured right patellar tendon repaired Wednesday, according to a person with knowledge of the plan. The person spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity Tuesday because the team had not yet made the details public. ESPN first reported the news.

The surgery will leave Finch with only three days of recovery before Game 1 in Denver, and this type of procedure typically requires the leg to be immobilized for more time than that. He’ll need crutches for awhile, too. The cramped space on an NBA sideline makes it difficult to envision Finch being able to be on the bench for the beginning of the series.

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