'Family Affairs Investigators' Help Residents Resolve Marital, Family Disputes

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'Family Affairs Investigators' Help Residents Resolve Marital, Family Disputes

 December 12, 2022


Wuhan Intermediate People's Court and Wuhan Women's Federation recently promulgated a document, in which the organizations' cadres offered suggestions on how to promote work related to establishing a work mechanism, through which the court and the federation would work with other organizations (in Wuhan, capital of Central China's Hubei Province) to help residents resolve family disputes. The cadres believe that, in turn, will promote social justice and harmony within families. 

The document stresses Wuhan Intermediate People's Court and Wuhan people's courts, at the grassroots level, should select "family affairs investigators" from among candidates recommended by judicial organizations, youth leagues and/or women's federations, at various levels (in Wuhan). The document also stresses the "investigators" should help the courts investigate cases involving family disputes. 

Wang Xiaoxia, President of Xima People's Court, in Jiang'an (a district in Wuhan), recently told media that judges, with the help of "family affairs investigators," who collect information about the marital and/or parent-child relations of the parties involved, will be able to better understand the facts of cases, which will help them be more objective, so they can better protect the parties' legal rights and interests. 


(Women of China English Monthly October 2022 issue)


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